Delivering on commitments is about integrity and character. It’s one of the signs of an effective leader. It builds trust and confidence.
“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.” – Norman Schwarzkopf
But, it’s easy to let things slip. Especially if you are the boss and have no one to answer to.
So, here are 5 tips to follow through on your commitments:
>> Be selective about what you commit to. Only commit to things you can deliver on. Don’t jump in and say ‘yes’. Give yourself time to decide whether you’re going to do something, and be honest with yourself about whether you can deliver on it.
>> Learn to say “No” when appropriate – it’s a necessary part of the process of keeping commitments.
>> Record your commitments. Use whatever tool you find effective to note them down but know that writing it down on paper cements things more effectively.
>> Make commitments that are aligned with your values. This will ensure that you are passionate about your commitment and have a desire to deliver on them.
>> Verbally share your commitments with someone you trust who can hold you accountable. Having someone to hold you accountable will enhance your odds of delivery.
This last point about accountability is a large part of what I do with my clients. I find a tendency for them to over commit and under deliver.
If you’d like to improve in this area, feel free to contact me.
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